黄蕴晗,1990年12月出生,博士、讲师、硕士生导师,于2019年5月获The University of Texas at Austin 大学博士学位,攻读博士期间一直从事砂土中大直径单桩的室内试验研究和数值计算分析。2020年9月进入必威BETWAY土木与海港工程学院从事深海基础与深海软粘土相互作用机理及工程应用方面的研究,现主持纵向与横向课题5项,已发表学术论文8篇。
[1] Huang Y, Wang P, Wang Y, et al. Influence of Shaft Diameter and Soil Rigidity on Uplift Capacity Factor of Circular Plate Anchor in Uniform Clay[J]. Ships and Offshore Structures, 2024, Pre-print. (SCI四区)
[2] Huang Y, Wang Y, Xu Z, et al. Prediction and variable importance analysis for small-strain stiffness of soil based on ensemble learning with Bayesian optimization[J]. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 162: 105688. (SCI二区)
[3] Huang Y, Wang Y, Wang P, et al. An XGBOOST predictive model of void ratio in sandy soils with shear-wave velocity as major input[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 42: 101100. (SCI二区)
[4] Huang Y, Wang P, Lai Y, et al. A small-strain soil constitutive model for initial stiffness evaluation of laterally loaded piles in drained marine sand[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 268: 113417. (SCI二区)
[5] Huang Y, Mu L, Wang P. Three-dimensional finite element analysis for uplifting independent helix plate anchor in uniform clay[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285: 115455. (SCI二区)
[6] Huang Y, Gilbert R, Stokoe K, et al. Design of Laterally Loaded Monopiles for Offshore Wind Using Small-Strain Properties of Sands[C]. International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics, 2021. (EI会议)
[7] Gilbert R, Huang Y, Stokoe K, et al. Behavior of Laterally Loaded Offshore Wind Monopiles in Sands[C]. Offshore Technology Conference, 2019. (EI会议)
[8] Gilbert R, Stokoe K, Huang Y, et al. Laboratory testing of lateral load response for monopiles in sand[J]. BSEE/BOEM TAP 769, 2018.(政府项目报告)
[1] Hogentogler Award
受奖人员:Yunhan Huang, Hande Gerkus, Ying Lai, Asitha Senanayake, Robert Gilbert, Joseph Giampa and Aaron Bradshaw.
奖励机构:ASCE (美国土木工程师协会)
奖励类别:Geotechnical Testing Journal年度优秀论文奖
[1] 新型双向搅注浆螺旋桩成桩工艺研发. 国家电网科技项目,2022-2023,90万,主持
[2] 沿海软土地区新型微型桩技术及成桩工艺在电力工程中的应用. 必威BETWAY人才引进科研基金, 2021-2023,15万元,主持
[3] 海相软粘土中注浆式螺旋钢管桩承载机理及设计方法研究. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上, 2022-2023, 3万,主持
[4] 海相软粘土中注浆式螺旋钢管桩设计方法与应用研究. 连云港市海燕计划, 2022-2022,2万,主持
[5] 建筑工程检测智能化技术咨询. 10万,主持